Privacy Policy


Who is responsible for your data?

Actitud Creativa
C.I.F.: GB85775435
Calle Medellín 10
Las Rozas (Madrid)
+34 91 715 1554 <>

Electronic page address of the data control delegate

Area of ​​application

This Policy will apply:

    • To those people who visit the web pages owned by Actitud Creativa in any of its versions:,,,, www.cowork-os. com,, and any of its subpages and subdomains.
    • To those who voluntarily communicate with Actitud Creativa through email, chat or who complete any of the data collection forms published on the Actitud Creativa website and landing pages.
    • To those who request information about the products and services of Actitud Creativa or who request to participate in any of the Actitud Creativa events.
    • To those who formalize a contractual relationship with Attitud Creativa by contracting its products and services.
    • To any others who, directly or indirectly, have given their express consent for their data to be processed by Attitud Creativa for any of the purposes set out in this Policy.

What are we going to use your data for?

We use your data to process your registrations for the activities we carry out both online and offline. We also periodically send news about our activities, case studies, publications and upcoming calls for events.

Who will we communicate your data to?

If necessary, Attitud Creativa may transfer information to a trusted third party. For example, when you are contacted by an accredited partner who is organizing a certification. In these cases we only provide the minimum amount of data necessary to execute the task and we will do so so that we can provide you with the information you have requested in our forms. Your data will be stored in our CRM information systems, Gmail, as well as in Mailchimp, platforms that we use to send updates to our publications, events and news.

International transfers

International transfers of your personal data are planned. The data from our forms will be stored in Mailchimp to send our new publications, news and invitations to events by email.

What is Mailchimp?

Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform that helps us share email campaigns. Mailchimp is a platform of the company The Rocket Science Group LLC, based in Georgia (USA). The Rocket Science Group LLC is registered as a certified company in the United States Privacy Shield.

Mailchimp uses cookies to analyze the opening rates of shipments and the most clicked links in them. See Mailchimp cookie policy _

You can find out the terms of use (Spanish version) and privacy of Mailchimp (Spanish version) by clicking on the links.

Where do we get your data from?

We obtain your data when you provide it to us when requesting information, through the website or by subscribing to the newsletter. Also when you contact us through other forms, social networks and one of our various online channels.

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

You will be able to access, rectify, delete and oppose certain treatments, as well as exercise your right to limit processing, portability and not be the subject of an individual decision based solely on automated processing. To do this you can write to us at the email address

What is the basis that legitimizes us to process your data?

All our forms have a Checkbox in which you give us your express and unequivocal consent given through that form. If you do not click on said checkbox it is impossible for you to send us the form. The checkbox is unchecked by default and requires you to click on it to accept it. This checkbox has the link to the data protection policy. When you click on that box we understand your acceptance of the conditions of this policy.